Updated 7/1/24 with many new offers including those from Hilton, WorldHotels, The Langham Hotels & Resorts, HP, Newegg, Macy’s, Blue Nile, and many more.
This specific page is designed to show current Amex Offers. If you have any Amex cards, even authorized user cards, then you’re eligible. Offers are often in the form of Spend $X, Get $Y Back (ex: “Spend $50+ at Office Depot and Get $10 Back”), but sometimes the offers are for extra points instead. If you’re thinking of shopping or traveling, check this page first to see if an Amex Offer exists that will help you save money or earn extra points.
Amex Offers often appear on some cards, but not others. Don’t be surprised if an offer listed here is not available on any of your cards.
Current Amex Offers
By default, the following table shows the first 10 offers, sorted with the most recently added offers at the top. To find additional offers, use the search box, or change the number of entries shown, or press Page Next at the bottom.
Expiration | Date Added | Amex Offer |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 7% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Shop in Italy at McArthurGlen Serravalle - Select Merchants
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/14/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Taskrabbit - help with cleaning, moving, and home services
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/27/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Bandit Running - Performance Running Apparel and Accessories
08/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Rhone - Men's and Women's Apparel
09/09/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $150 or more, get 20% back |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
08/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/20/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $75 back |
Ashes & Diamonds Winery
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
WorldHotels - Select Global Destinations
09/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
08/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 10% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $200 |
Pool Supply Unlimited - Pool, Spa & Recreational Products
09/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $150 back |
ISLE Paddleboards
09/09/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $80 or more, get $20 back |
NARS Cosmetics
09/18/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $49 or more, get $20 back |
America's Test Kitchen - Annual Digital Membership
09/20/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $135 or more, get $35 back |
Mizzen+Main - Performance Menswear
10/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back, up to 2 times (total of $50). |
Wolverine - Work Boots, Shoes & Clothing
09/07/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back, up to 2 times (total of $20). |
Bowlero, AMF, Lucky Strike
08/20/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
Paragon Sports
09/18/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $24 or more, get $12 back |
Cook's Illustrated Magazine - Print Subscription
08/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Kendra Scott
08/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $600 or more, get $150 back |
Blue Nile - Engagement and Fine Jewelry
09/17/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
Mackenzie Limited - Prepared Gourmet Food
12/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get +4 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 points |
Ballard Designs - Home Furnishings
08/06/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
JetBlue Airways - Platinum Card® 40th
08/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $5 or more, get $5 back, up to 2 times (total of $10). |
CVS ExtraCare Plus - Health & Savings Membership Program
07/27/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $699 or more, get $60 back |
09/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Brooklinen - Luxury Home Goods
09/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Get +2 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 points |
08/10/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
10/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $10 back |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
08/18/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $80 back |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
08/21/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
Make Up For Ever - Online Only
09/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
08/24/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $25 back |
TRAVISMATHEW.com - Men's & Women's Clothing & Golf Apparel
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
08/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $30 back |
Super Duolingo - Annual Subscription
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
MANSCAPED - Male Grooming
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 7% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 12% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/02/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
Wine Express - Wine, Wine Gifts & Gift Baskets
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 7% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
08/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
09/01/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Travel in Italy - PREPAID ONLY - Select Merchants
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $30 |
Columbia Sportswear
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/02/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
The Langham Hotels and Resorts - North America Locations
07/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Get +1 Membership Rewards® point per eligible dollar spent, up to 2,500 points |
09/02/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
08/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $45 or more, get $20 back |
Mint Mobile
11/22/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
08/28/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back, up to 2 times (total of $20). |
OXO - Items For Your Home
12/28/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $15 or more, get $10 back |
The Washington Post - Digital Subscriptions
09/30/24 | 07/01/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
12/31/24 | 07/01/24 | Spend $14,500+, get 4,000 Membership Rewards® points, up to 3 times |
Membership Rewards® Bonus Points Offer
08/31/24 | 06/17/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $20 |
Cumberland Farms - Gas Pump Only
09/02/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back, up to 2 times (total of $100). |
Wine Enthusiast - Wine Accessories & Gifts
07/31/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
The Shade Store
08/15/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $100 back |
09/03/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
12/14/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $650 or more, get $150 back |
Oru Kayak - Portable Origami Folding Kayak
09/12/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Brilliant Earth – Everyday Jewelry
08/10/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $75 back |
iRobot - Robot Vacuum and Mop
11/17/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Armani Exchange
07/24/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $275 or more, get $70 back |
07/12/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $175 or more, get $35 back |
Club Monaco
12/31/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back, up to 2 times (total of $20). |
Save on your Cable & Internet Bill
08/31/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $350 or more, get $70 back |
Oliver Peoples - Luxury Eyewear
10/11/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $115 or more, get $25 back |
Coterie – Diapers & Wipes
08/17/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $20 back |
Hydro Flask
09/17/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $70 or more, get $30 back |
Hungryroot – Recipe & Grocery Service
11/06/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
CoralTree Residence
09/10/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
07/17/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Vuori - Performance Apparel
09/15/24 | 06/17/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $100 back |
The Unbound Collection by Hyatt - Select Global Destinations
09/02/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $75 |
Lomi - Food Waste Recycler
08/15/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $1,500 or more, get $300 back |
Uniworld River Cruises
08/22/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $105 |
08/22/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $175 or more, get 4,000 Membership Rewards® points |
08/18/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Negativeunderwear.com - Intimates and Loungewear
08/22/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
08/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $20 back |
Melin - Performance Headwear
10/03/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $100 back |
Frontgate - Outdoor Furniture & Home Décor
08/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Get +1 Membership Rewards® point per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 points |
10/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $20 back |
08/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Get +20 Marriott Bonvoy points per eligible dollar spent, up to 3,000 points |
Dior Beauty
07/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $500 |
07/10/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
07/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 points |
07/17/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $70 or more, get $15 back |
10/27/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Therabody – Wellness Solutions
08/13/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 40% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
Marriott Bonvoy®
09/02/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Caviar Russe
09/02/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back, up to 2 times (total of $20). |
Oakville Grocery & Wine Merchant
08/22/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $200 or more, get 4,000 Membership Rewards® points |
08/01/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Kérastase - Luxury Hair Care
09/29/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 10% back on purchases |
Dine in the UK - Select Merchants
08/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $1,000 |
FedEx Shipping
09/24/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
08/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $15 or more, get $15 back, up to 10 times (total of $150). |
Teleflora - Flowers arranged & delivered by local florists
08/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $65 back |
Ooni Pizza Ovens
11/22/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $175 back |
Lotte New York Palace - Luxury NYC Hotel
08/10/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $80 or more, get $20 back |
07/02/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
NEST New York - Candles, diffusers, fine fragrances & more
08/22/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $175 or more, get $40 back |
11/02/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $175 or more, get $75 back |
Clutter - Moving & Storage
08/26/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $20 back |
Hollywood Feed - Pet Food & Supplies
08/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $250 or more, get 7,500 Membership Rewards® points |
HELMUTLANG.COM - Women’s and Men’s Fashion
08/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $10 back |
UPS Online Shipping
09/02/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Wines 'Til Sold Out
10/25/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
James Allen - Engagement & Fine Jewelry
08/10/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $30 back |
08/20/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $35 back, up to 2 times (total of $70). |
Home Chef
08/07/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $90 back |
B Cellars Vineyards & Winery
08/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $100 back |
Morgenthal Frederics + Robert Marc NYC - Luxury Eyewear
07/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Bluemercury – Skincare, Makeup, Haircare, Fragrance, & Tools
09/03/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Luxury Escapes - Hotel & Resort Packages
09/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Hilton All-Inclusive Resorts and Vacation Hotels
11/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back, up to 2 times (total of $200). |
Travel in France - Select Merchants
09/03/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
Bespoke Post - Themed Monthly Boxes
08/03/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
07/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $180 or more, get $40 back |
Wolford – Designer Bodysuits, Athleisure, Legwear, and more
08/01/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
Sur La Table
07/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
07/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $25 or more, get 1,000 Membership Rewards® points, up to 3 times |
Peets.com - Hand Roasted Coffee Delivered Nationwide
07/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Made In - Cookware & Kitchenware
08/13/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $350 or more, get $140 back |
Marriott Bonvoy®
09/03/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $150 back |
Wine Spectrum
12/03/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Elysium Health
09/03/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $600 or more, get $100 back |
italist.com - Luxury Clothing, Shoes & Bags
11/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Shop in Spain at El Corte Inglés
07/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $50 back |
09/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back. Enroll by 8/31/2024. |
Omni Hotels & Resorts
11/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back, up to 2 times (total of $80). |
Shop in France - Select Merchants
08/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Carnegie Deli
08/28/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $239 or more, get $95 back |
Rocket Lawyer - Online Legal Services
07/15/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 25% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
Shu Uemura Art of Hair - Luxury Hair Care
08/31/24 | 06/03/24 | Get +2 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent |
Phillips 66®, 76®, Conoco® Gas | Pump & App Only
09/03/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
11/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back, up to 3 times (total of $30). |
Enjoy in France - Select Merchants
07/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $80 back |
New York Golf Center
11/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Shop in Europe at The Bicester Collection - Select Merchants
07/18/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $40 back |
lobels.com - Steaks, Roasts, Burgers, & More
08/31/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back, up to 3 times (total of $45). |
LAFCO New York - Home Fragrances & Body Care
09/06/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $25 back |
07/31/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
Goldbelly.com - Eats + Food Gifts, Shipped Nationwide
08/08/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
FabFitFun.com - Beauty, Fitness, Lifestyle Subscription Box
07/21/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $130 or more, get $30 back |
LAKE Pajamas
10/15/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
07/15/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $10 back |
09/22/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Natori - Lingerie and Clothing
08/01/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $80 or more, get $25 back |
The Farmer's Dog
07/31/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Robert Mondavi Winery
07/07/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
The Prisoner Wine Company
08/13/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
join.whoop.com - Fitness Wearable
08/31/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
NAPA - Auto Parts
10/10/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Andie Swim - Fashion Swimwear for Women
09/10/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $450 or more, get $100 back |
Movado - Luxury Watches
09/05/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back, up to 2 times (total of $50). |
08/01/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
D'Artagnan Foods
08/31/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
SharperImage.com - Electronics & Gadgets
07/06/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $75 back |
09/15/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Loews Hotels
08/31/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $300 back |
Holland America Line
08/31/24 | 05/18/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 5,000 points |
SKIMS.com - Underwear, Shapewear and Loungewear
11/15/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $2,000 or more, get $400 back |
Micato Safaris - Luxury African Safaris
07/06/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get 25,000 Membership Rewards® points |
IWC Schaffhausen – Fine Watchmaking
12/31/24 | 05/18/24 | Get 5% back as a statement credit by using your Card, up to a total of $20 |
Save on your Insurance Bill
07/31/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $65 or more, get $45 back |
AT&T Wireless - New Customer Accounts
10/15/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $70 or more, get $20 back |
thredUP - Online Consignment and Thrift Store
08/16/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Orlebar Brown - Designer Swimwear for Men
10/04/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
Zenni - Prescription Eyewear
08/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get +20 Hilton Honors Bonus Points per eligible dollar spent, up to 3,000 Points |
Dior Beauty
07/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get +5 Hilton Honors Bonus Points per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 Points |
07/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $175 or more, get $50 back |
10/26/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 30% back on purchases, up to a total of $144 |
Dropbox Sign - Prepare, Send, Sign & Track eSignatures
10/25/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 25% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $150 |
Faire – The online wholesale marketplace
10/16/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 25% back on purchases |
OpenPhone.com - Business Phone System
09/15/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $125 or more, get 2,500 Membership Rewards® points, up to 2 times |
gorjana - Women's Jewelry
10/29/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Lotte Hotel - In the heart of Seattle
07/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $70 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
Graham & Fisk's - Wine-In-A-Can
08/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $1,000 |
FedEx Shipping
08/02/24 | 05/08/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 50,000 points |
09/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
PGA National Resort
11/03/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $175 or more, get $60 back |
Trust & Will - Estate Planning
08/06/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $75 back |
grandinroad.com – Home Décor & Furniture
08/22/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
08/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 45% back on purchases, up to a total of $1,100 |
FedEx Shipping
07/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $15 or more, get $10 back, up to 2 times (total of $20). |
QuickBooks® Online
12/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $16,000+, get 4,000 Membership Rewards® points, up to 3 times |
Membership Rewards® Bonus Points Offer
10/23/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 30% back on a single purchase |
07/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $65 or more, get $30 back |
Hint Water
09/02/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back, up to 2 times (total of $50). |
SAXX Underwear
07/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 20% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $100 |
Boll & Branch - Luxury Bedding & Bath
10/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 20% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $50 |
AncestryDNA® Kits
09/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back. Enroll by 7/31/2024. |
Opal Collection - Select Florida Locations
07/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get +10 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 4,000 points |
Wine.com - Platinum Card® 40th
07/01/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $14 or more, get $14 back, up to 2 times (total of $28). |
Magnifi - Invest with AI
07/22/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $600 or more, get $120 back |
07/29/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
The Global Ambassador Hotel
10/17/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Turo - Car Sharing Marketplace
07/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
WSJ Wine - From The Wall Street Journal
08/17/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Jos. A. Bank – Men’s Suits & Clothing
07/08/24 | 05/08/24 | Get +10 Membership Rewards® pts per eligible dollar spent, up to 40,000 pts |
Oceania Cruises - Platinum Card® 40th
09/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back. Enroll by 7/31/2024. |
Margaritaville Beach House Key West
08/06/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Wilson Sporting Goods
07/10/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Topgolf - Golf, Party Venue, Sports Bar & Restaurant
08/08/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $180 or more, get $40 back |
Telecharge - Platinum Card® 40th
09/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
07/05/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $180 or more on Delta flights via Amex Travel only, get $40 back |
Delta (via Amex Travel only) - Platinum Card® 40th
07/08/24 | 05/08/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 4,000 points |
lululemon.com - Platinum Card® 40th
07/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $180 or more, get $40 back |
Hilton - Platinum Card® 40th
08/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $65 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Knix - Intimates & Loungewear
09/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $375 or more, get $75 back |
Ben Bridge Jeweler
08/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $1,000 |
FedEx Office
09/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
09/02/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back, up to 2 times (total of $100). |
07/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Minor Hotels Group – Select Global Brands & Destinations
07/14/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $200 back |
Hyatt - Select Secrets & Impression by Secrets Resorts
07/01/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
09/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Vestiaire Collective - Luxury Pre-Loved Fashion
07/20/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $99 or more, get $50 back |
Tractive - Pet GPS & Wellness Trackers
07/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
Frontier Airlines
07/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
Tommy John
09/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Avocado Green Mattress
08/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $4,000 or more, get $1,000 back |
FedEx Freight
07/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $199 or more, get $50 back |
CrowdCow.com - Online Meat & Seafood Delivery
09/28/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 40% back on purchases |
CrowdStrike – Cybersecurity Protection
08/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
johnnie-O - Men's, Women's and Boys' Clothing
08/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back, up to 5 times (total of $25). |
09/25/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $20 back |
Turo - Car Sharing Marketplace
08/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $399 or more, get $80 back |
CNBC Investing Club With Jim Cramer
09/29/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 25% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $50 |
10/04/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Terranea Resort
09/19/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
Regus & Spaces - Offices & Virtual Offices
09/01/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back |
09/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back. Enroll by 6/30/2024. |
American Home Shield - Home Warranty
08/03/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Honeylove - Women's Shapewear and Apparel
07/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 15% back on a single purchase |
Quicken - Personal Finance Management Software
08/26/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $60 back |
Aura.com - Online Safety
10/01/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Ballard Designs - Home Furnishings
12/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Get +1 Membership Rewards® point per eligible dollar spent, up to 25,000 points |
09/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get +1 Membership Rewards® point per eligible dollar spent, up to 5,000 points |
Best Buy®
09/02/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $275 or more, get $60 back, up to 2 times (total of $120). |
Porsche Design
08/01/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Rhone - Men's Activewear
08/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 15% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
Howard's - Appliances, TVs & Mattresses
07/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
09/10/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
07/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
09/02/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back, up to 3 times (total of $15). |
Blue Bottle Coffee – Online Coffee & Accessories
09/10/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Vivint.com - Smart Home Security & Alarm Systems
07/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
ZWILLING – Cutlery, Cookware, Electrics and More
07/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $70 back |
Vilebrequin - French Luxury Swimwear
09/01/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $195 or more, get $45 back |
Rosetta Stone
07/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
Heatonist – Hot Sauces
08/12/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $80 or more, get $20 back |
Brightland - Olive oil and vinegars
07/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Mejuri - Fine Jewelry
07/14/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Clé De Peau Beauté
07/09/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 10% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $200 |
Pool Supply Unlimited - Pool, Spa & Recreational Products
09/05/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
Nom Nom - Real, Good Food for Dogs
08/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $130 or more, get 3,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Dior Beauty
10/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Just Food For Dogs
07/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 30% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $200 |
MOO – Custom Business Cards, Postcards and more
11/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $20 |
Hollywood Bowl Concessions
07/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $75 back |
Selfridges - in the U.K. and Online
07/09/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Coco Republic
07/08/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
MoMA Design Store – Gifts, Home Decor, Tech and Toys
07/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Zeel - Massage Therapy at Home
07/04/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $275 or more, get $75 back |
Citizen Watch
07/08/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $11 back, up to 2 times (total of $22). |
Whistle - GPS + Pet Health Tracker
08/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Fred Segal
07/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back, up to 2 times (total of $30). |
No7beauty.com - Skincare and Cosmetics
07/04/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Roller Rabbit - Apparel and Accessories
08/21/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Guardian Bikes - Bikes for Kids
07/04/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $45 back |
De'Longhi - Espresso Machines, Kitchen Appliances, and more
07/18/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $100 back |
Cozy Earth – Luxury Bedding and Loungewear
09/02/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Roark - Adventure Clothing & Gear
07/04/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
GlassesUSA.com - Eyeglasses, Sunglasses and Contacts Lenses
08/06/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Criquet Shirts - Men's Fashion
07/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Quince - Apparel, Accessories & Home Essentials
07/08/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $11 back, up to 2 times (total of $22). |
Wisdom Panel - Pet DNA Test
07/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Vince Camuto
07/11/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $50 back |
08/18/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $125 back |
08/20/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back, up to 3 times (total of $90). |
Italic - Wardrobe & Home Essentials
07/05/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $30 back |
Smalls - Real, Good Food for Cats
08/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
07/11/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts - US & select locations
07/10/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $120 or more, get $120 back |
Constant Contact - All-in-One Digital Marketing Platform
08/12/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Canyon Ranch Wellness Resort
07/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Jenni Kayne - Apparel & Home Essentials
07/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $250 back |
Tonal - Smart Home Gym
07/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $100 back |
12/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $20. Enroll by 5/10/2024. |
Save on your Insurance Bill
07/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $30 back |
Super Duolingo - Annual Subscription
08/16/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Equinox Hotel at Hudson Yards
09/04/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 25% back on purchases, up to a total of $60 |
12/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $32,500+, get 8,500 Membership Rewards® points, up to 3 times |
Membership Rewards® Bonus Points Offer
07/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
09/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $120 or more, get $20 back |
07/08/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $70 or more, get $15 back, up to 2 times (total of $30). |
Blueland - Refillable Cleaning Products
09/06/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
09/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $99 or more, get $25 back |
Max - Stream HBO, Movies, News, Sports - Annual Subscription
07/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
PetPlate - Fresh Cooked Food for Your Dog
08/03/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $11.99 or more, get $11.99 back, up to 3 times (total of $35.97). |
07/07/24 | 01/22/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $75 back |
Ministry of Supply - Technical. Comfortable. Workleisure
07/08/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $25 back |
Stitch Fix
07/02/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Gem Shopping Network
09/01/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $75 back |
Boyne Golf Resorts - Golf Lodging Packages
Expired Amex Offers
The following offers have expired:
Expiration | Date Added | Amex Offer |
08/31/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $45 or more, get $25 back |
Mint Mobile
08/31/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Robert Mondavi Winery
09/11/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $10 back |
US Open Tennis 2023
09/14/23 | 08/01/23 | Get +2 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 points |
Tiffany & Co. Online
09/15/23 | 07/26/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Cole Haan
09/24/23 | 07/24/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Armani Exchange
09/26/23 | 07/26/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
09/30/23 | 07/26/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $10 back |
09/30/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $250 back |
Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy®
09/30/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back |
Tocaya Modern Mexican
09/30/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back |
Tender Greens
09/30/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
09/30/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
SeatGeek - Resale Ticket Marketplace
09/30/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $65 or more, get $35 back |
AT&T Wireless - New Customer Accounts
09/30/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Valentino - Luxury Fashion & Accessories
09/30/23 | 09/11/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $25 back |
Gainful.com - Protein and Sport Nutrition
10/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Bottle Values
10/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
10/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Bottle Hampton
10/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
10/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Bottles and Cases
10/01/23 | 09/11/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/01/23 | 09/11/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/01/23 | 09/11/23 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/01/23 | 09/11/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/01/23 | 09/11/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/01/23 | 09/11/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/08/23 | 07/24/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
10/08/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back, up to 2 times (total of $20). |
10/15/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Valentino Beauty
10/15/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
La Roche-Posay
10/15/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back |
Blue Bottle Coffee
10/15/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Zazzle - Shop cards, gifts, decor and more
10/15/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Duluth Trading Co.
10/15/23 | 09/19/23 | Get +10 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 20,000 pts |
IWC Schaffhausen – Fine Watchmaking
10/18/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $15 or more, get $5 back |
Shake Shack
10/20/23 | 07/24/23 | Get 15% back on a single purchase |
Quicken - Personal Finance Management Software
10/24/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $400 or more, get $100 back |
10/29/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Hotels.com Gift Card
10/29/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
10/30/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Armani Beauty
10/31/23 | 07/24/23 | Spend $65 or more, get $30 back |
Hint Water
10/31/23 | 08/01/23 | Get 20% back on purchases |
1800Flowers.com - Gourmet Food, Flowers & Gifts
10/31/23 | 08/01/23 | Get 15% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
10/31/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $30 or more, get $12 back, up to 10 times (total of $120). |
Teleflora - Flowers arranged & delivered by local florists
10/31/23 | 08/01/23 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $300 |
Springfree® Trampoline - Springless Trampolines
10/31/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $55 or more, get $10 back, up to 4 times (total of $40). |
1800Flowers.com - Gourmet Food, Flowers & Gifts
10/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Get +4 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 5,000 points |
Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar
10/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $40 back |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $45 or more, get $25 back |
Mint Mobile
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Spirit Halloween
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
Johnston and Murphy
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
Batteries Plus
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
Ashley HomeStore
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
Sally Beauty Supply
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 7% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
10/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $45 back |
Gundry MD - Wellness & Supplements
11/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $45 back |
Dr. Marty Pets - Premium Freeze-Dried Dog & Cat Food
11/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $50 back |
Zeel - Massage Therapy at Home
11/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Beverly Hills MD - Skincare Products & Supplements
11/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
thelaundress.com - Laundry & Fabric Care
11/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
IT Cosmetics
11/02/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Taskrabbit - help with cleaning, moving, and home services
11/05/23 | 09/11/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $125 back |
MATCHES - Luxury Fashion
11/05/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $99 or more, get $25 back |
MAX – Annual Subscription
11/07/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $25 back |
11/08/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $9 or more, get $5 back |
The Daily Telegraph - Annual U.S. News Subscription
11/10/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
11/12/23 | 09/11/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
NET-A-PORTER - Women's Designer Fashion
11/12/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back, up to 2 times (total of $80). |
11/12/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
11/12/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
MR PORTER - Men's Designer Fashion
11/13/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
MACcosmetics.com - MAC - Makeup and Cosmetics
11/13/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $350 or more, get $70 back |
The Annie Selke Companies
11/15/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $30 or more, get $6 back, up to 2 times (total of $12). |
Stumptown Coffee Roasters
11/15/23 | 09/11/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Rebag - Luxury Bought & Sold
11/15/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Caesars Rewards Las Vegas Destinations
11/15/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back, up to 3 times (total of $45). |
Spoonful of Comfort - Soup Delivery, Gifts & Care Packages
11/15/23 | 09/19/23 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 1,500 points |
11/15/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Charles Tyrwhitt - Men's Shirts
11/15/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
illy.com - Online Coffee & Accessories
11/17/23 | 10/18/23 | Get +10 Membership Rewards® pts per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 points |
On - Performance Footwear and Apparel
11/17/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $375 or more, get $75 back |
FWRD.com - Luxury Apparel
11/18/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $225 or more, get $50 back |
Todd Snyder
11/20/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
OluKai - Hawaiian-Inspired, Premium Footwear
11/20/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
SKIMS.com - Underwear, Shapewear and Loungewear
11/21/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $120 or more, get $60 back |
Laithwaites – Wine delivered to your door
11/26/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
Kroger - Order Online for Pickup or Delivery
11/28/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $50 back |
11/30/23 | 09/11/23 | Get +1 Hilton Honors Bonus Point per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 Points |
11/30/23 | 09/11/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $250 back |
John Hardy - Hand-Crafted Jewelry
11/30/23 | 09/19/23 | Get +1 mile per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 miles |
11/30/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $100 back |
Grandin Road
11/30/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
11/30/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/01/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $30 or more, get $20 back |
Front of the Pack - Healthy Food for Dogs
12/01/23 | 09/11/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $100 back |
Fred Segal
12/01/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $55 or more, get $15 back, up to 2 times (total of $30). |
Home Chef
12/01/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
12/01/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Quadratec - Jeep Vehicle Accessories
12/01/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get 25,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Carnival Cruise Line
12/01/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 25% back on a single purchase |
12/01/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Kendra Scott
12/01/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $1,200 or more, get $250 back |
Luxury Escapes
12/02/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $14 or more, get $14 back, up to 2 times (total of $28). |
Magnifi - AI-assisted Investing
12/02/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 30% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
Rocket Lawyer - Online Legal Services
12/04/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Telecharge - Broadway Tickets
12/04/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
MACcosmetics.com - MAC - Makeup and Cosmetics
12/05/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $40 or more, get $10 back, up to 2 times (total of $20). |
Burt's Bees
12/05/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
OmegaXL & More by Great HealthWorks
12/06/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 20% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $20 |
Kroger Ship - Home Essentials & More Delivered
12/07/23 | 09/11/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Wilson Sporting Goods
12/08/23 | 11/07/23 | Get +4 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 15,000 points |
12/11/23 | 09/11/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Sam Edelman - Women's Fashions
12/15/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $11 or more, get $11 back, up to 3 times (total of $33). |
12/15/23 | 09/19/23 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 5,000 points |
National Car Rental
12/15/23 | 09/19/23 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $50 |
Marriott Bonvoy®
12/15/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Hyatt Thompson - Global
12/15/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
Park Hyatt - Global
12/15/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Kansas City Steak Company
12/15/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
LAB Series - Skincare & Grooming for Men
12/15/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
Auberge Resorts Collection
12/15/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back, up to 2 times (total of $50). |
12/15/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts - US & Select Locations
12/15/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
Pure Formulas - Health & wellness products
12/16/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $10 back, up to 3 times (total of $30). |
Mercari.com - Online Marketplace
12/17/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Alaska Airlines
12/17/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $79 or more, get $15 back |
Levain Bakery
12/17/23 | 11/07/23 | Get +10 Membership Rewards® pts per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 points |
On - Performance Footwear and Apparel
12/18/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
Swiss Colony Gourmet Food Gifts
12/18/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Duluth Trading Co.
12/19/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
A.L.C. - Designer Clothing & Accessories
12/19/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
12/20/23 | 07/24/23 | Spend $2,000 or more, get $400 back |
Maiden Home - Handcrafted Home Furnishings
12/20/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 15% back on purchases, up to a total of $15 |
12/20/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Maje Paris - Luxury Fashion
12/20/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Sandro Paris - Luxury Fashion
12/20/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Paul Smith
12/21/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $149 or more, get $40 back |
12/22/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Brilliant Earth - Unique Fine Jewelry
12/24/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Jos. A. Bank – Men’s Suits & Clothing
12/24/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $500 or more, get 10,000 Membership Rewards® points |
12/25/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $85 or more, get $25 back |
Blueland - Refillable Cleaning Products
12/25/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Johnny Was - Modern Bohemian Style
12/25/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Tory Burch
12/25/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back |
12/26/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $35 or more, get $10 back, up to 3 times (total of $30). |
Google Photos – Photo and Print Services
12/26/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Purity Products - Supplements
12/27/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
Madison Avenue Couture
12/29/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $300 back |
Holland America Line
12/29/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Arlo Smart Home Security Cameras and Doorbells
12/29/23 | 10/08/23 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 50,000 points |
Oceania Cruises
12/30/23 | 07/24/23 | Spend $2,000 or more, get $400 back |
ABC Carpet & Home
12/31/23 | 07/26/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $5 back, up to 4 times (total of $20). |
Save on your Cable & Internet Bill
12/31/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $30 back |
Quince - Affordable Luxury Essentials
12/31/23 | 08/01/23 | Spend $79 or more, get $25 back |
Nutrafol - Hair Wellness from Within
12/31/23 | 09/11/23 | Get 15% back on purchases |
Tire Agent - Online Tire and Wheels
12/31/23 | 09/11/23 | Spend $600 or more, get $120 back |
12/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Get 30% back on purchases, up to a total of to $1,200 |
FedEx Freight
12/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Chairish - Vintage and Contemporary Furniture, Decor and Art
12/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $75 back |
Cozy Earth – Premium Bedding and Loungewear
12/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Get +1 Membership Rewards® point per eligible dollar spent, up to 2,500 points |
12/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $40 or more, get $10 back |
Omaha Steaks
12/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $35 back |
12/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Von Maur Department Stores
12/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Get +6 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 5,000 points |
12/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $400 or more, get $80 back |
12/31/23 | 09/19/23 | Spend $120 or more, get $25 back |
Molton Brown – Luxury Fragrance, Bath & Body
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Pureology.com - Professional Color Care
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Wines 'Til Sold Out
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $12 back, up to 3 times (total of $36). |
Magnolia Bakery - Banana Pudding, Cupcakes & More
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
Zenni - Affordable Prescription Eyewear
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $100 back |
Small Luxury Hotels of the World - Select Global
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Best Western® Hotels & Resorts
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Guardian Bikes - Bikes for Kids
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 25% back on purchases, up to a total of $200 |
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $75 back |
InterContinental® & Kimpton® - US & Select Global Locations
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Kérastase - Luxury Hair Care
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Topgolf - Golf, Party Venue, Sports Bar & Restaurant
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $130 or more, get 3,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Dior Beauty
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $19.99 or more, get $10 back |
UPS My Choice® Premium – Customize Your Deliveries
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Lingua Franca Wines
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $25 back |
Columbia Sportswear
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Mt. Veeder Winery
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Fossil - Watches, Handbags, Jewelry & Accessories
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Vestiaire Collective - Luxury Pre-Loved Fashion
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Carnegie Deli
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Shu Uemura Art of Hair - Luxury Hair Care
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
The Shade Store
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
Wolford - Contemporary Ready to Wear and Athleisure
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Thrive Causemetics
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Get 20% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $100 |
Boll & Branch - Luxury Bedding & Bath
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
David's Bridal
12/31/23 | 10/02/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $20 back |
Hollywood Feed - Pet Food & Supplies
12/31/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $100 back |
Cambria & Ascend Hotels
12/31/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
EstéeLauder.com - Makeup, Skincare + Fragrances
12/31/23 | 10/08/23 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $200 |
Samsung for Business
12/31/23 | 10/08/23 | Get 40% back on purchases, up to a total of $50 |
Definite Articles - Performance Wear
12/31/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $275 or more, get $75 back |
Citizen Watch
12/31/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
COS - Fashion for Men & Women
12/31/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $19.99 or more, get $10 back, up to 3 times (total of $30). |
Stamps.com - Subscriptions
12/31/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
thredUP - Online Consignment and Thrift Store
12/31/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Cole Haan
12/31/23 | 10/08/23 | Spend $400 or more, get $100 back |
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 by using the link provided |
Expedia.com/amex (Prepaid Hotel Purchases)
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Get +1 Membership Rewards® point per eligible dollar spent, up to 25,000 points |
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $25 back |
White House Black Market
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $500 |
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $98 on a Walmart Business+ Membership, get $25 back |
Walmart Business+ Membership
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $100 back |
alice+olivia - Women's Fashion
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
White Cap - Construction Supplier For Pro Contractors
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $500 or more, get 10,000 Membership Rewards® points |
La Prairie Switzerland - Luxury Skincare
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Waldorf Astoria, Conrad & LXR - US & Select Global
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Get 25% back on purchases, up to a total of $125 |
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $45 back |
De'Longhi - Espresso Machines, Kitchen Appliances, and more
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Get +7 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 20,000 points |
UPS Online Shipping
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
London Jewelers
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 2,000 points |
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Tommy Hilfiger
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $65 or more, get $50 back |
AT&T Wireless - New Customer Accounts
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Armani Exchange
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $750 or more, get 15,000 Membership Rewards® points |
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Get +5 Hilton Honors Bonus Points per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 Points |
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Ninja Kitchen
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Mulberry - Luxury Handbags & Accessories
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
12/31/23 | 10/18/23 | Get 15% back on a single purchase |
Quicken - Personal Finance Management Software
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $10 |
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $15+ on purchases originating from, and shipped to, the US, get $5 back |
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Get +2 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent |
Phillips 66®, 76®, Conoco® Gas|pump only
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Get +7 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 pts |
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
Under Armour
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $400 or more, get $100 back |
Frontgate - Home Furnishings & Décor
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $400 or more, get $100 back |
La Perla
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
HarryandDavid.com - Gift Baskets, Fruit & Food Gifts
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
Ollie’s Bargain Outlet
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back |
Insomnia Cookies - Warm Homemade Cookies
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $90 or more, get $30 back |
Everlywell.com - Innovative At-Home Health Testing
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Ralph Lauren
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Molekule Air Purifiers
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Dry Goods Fashion Apparel
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $5 or more, get $5 back, up to 2 times (total of $10). |
CVS.com/CarePass - Wellness & Savings Membership Program
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Roark - Adventure Clothing & Gear
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
James Allen - Engagement & Fine Jewelry
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Get +10 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 20,000 pts |
IWC Schaffhausen – Fine Watchmaking
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $40 |
Caraway – Ceramic Cookware
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 2,500 points |
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $25 |
HarryandDavid.com for Business
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Get 15% back on purchases |
PersonalizationMall.com - Customizable Gifts
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $30 back |
Goldbelly - Iconic Eats + Food Gifts, Shipped Nationwide
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Get +5 miles per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 miles |
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $200 or more, get 4,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Ralph Lauren
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
PersonalizationMall.com - Customizable Gifts
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $600 or more, get $150 back |
Ring Concierge
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $275 or more, get $75 back |
rag & bone
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Get +6 Marriott Bonvoy points per eligible dollar spent, up to 3,500 points |
Earn on your Cable & Internet Bill
12/31/23 | 11/07/23 | Spend $99 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
Fulton Fish Market
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 5,000 points |
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $350 or more, get $70 back |
Oliver Peoples - Luxury Eyewear
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $80 or more, get $20 back |
Soma Intimates
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $250 back |
Tonal - Smart Home Gym
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Get $75 back. |
Verizon Wireless Business - New Customer Accounts
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $15 or more, get $5 back, up to 3 times (total of $15). |
McDonald's Mobile Order & Pay
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $325 or more, get $50 back |
FARFETCH.com – Luxury Apparel
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Get +20 Hilton Honors Bonus Points per eligible dollar spent, up to 3,000 Points |
Dior Beauty
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back, up to 2 times (total of $30). |
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $175 or more, get $50 back |
Armani Beauty
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
My Favorite Neighbor Wines
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Get +20 Marriott Bonvoy points per eligible dollar spent, up to 3,000 points |
Dior Beauty
12/31/23 | 11/20/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $175 back |
Microsoft Store
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $175 back |
Cathay Pacific Airways
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Spend $15 or more, get $3 back |
Wendys.com & Wendy's App - Online Delivery Orders
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 15% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get +10 Membership Rewards® pts per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 points |
On - Performance Footwear and Apparel
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 1,000 points |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Vuori - Performance Apparel
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Brooks Brothers
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 16% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
Sally Beauty Supply
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
12/31/23 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/01/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $30 back |
Smalls - Food for Cats
01/01/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Allen Edmonds
01/02/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Clutter - Moving & Storage
01/02/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
D'Artagnan Foods
01/03/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Park ‘N Fly: pnf.com/amex
01/03/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
01/03/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $135 or more, get $35 back |
Mizzen+Main - Performance Menswear
01/03/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Lilly Pulitzer - Clothing, Jewelry, and Accessories
01/05/24 | 09/11/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back, up to 2 times (total of $50). |
Nom Nom - Real, Good Food for Dogs
01/06/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $75 back |
Frog's Leap Winery
01/06/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Jenni Kayne - Luxury Apparel & Home Essentials
01/07/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $50 back |
Crowd Cow – Online Meat & Seafood Delivery
01/09/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
01/10/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $800 or more, get $120 back |
01/11/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend 3 times using Google Pay, get $10 back |
Google Pay
01/12/24 | 09/19/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
SharperImage.com - Electronics & Gadgets
01/13/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
01/14/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
TooFaced.com - Makeup, Beauty & Cosmetics
01/14/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back, up to 2 times (total of $10). |
Blue Bottle Coffee – Online Coffee & Accessories
01/14/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Paul Stuart - Modern Classic Clothing for Men
01/15/24 | 08/01/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Ministry of Supply - Technical. Comfortable. Workleisure
01/15/24 | 09/19/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Roller Rabbit - Apparel and Accessories
01/15/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Vince Camuto
01/15/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
Graham & Fisk's - Wine-In-A-Can
01/15/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
01/15/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $100 back |
Fred Segal
01/15/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Prada Beauty
01/15/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Valentino Beauty
01/15/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Mugler Fragrances
01/16/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
Costa Del Mar - Premium Polarized Sunglasses
01/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Drunk Elephant
01/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
01/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
01/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Hunt's Photo & Video
01/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
Mackenzie Limited - Prepared Gourmet Food
01/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
New York Golf Center
01/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
01/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
01/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
01/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
The GPS Store
01/16/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back, up to 3 times (total of $45). |
Spoonful of Comfort - Soup Delivery, Gifts & Care Packages
01/17/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $40 or more, get $10 back |
Smashbox.com - Makeup and Primers
01/17/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $30 or more, get $10 back |
01/17/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
LA Times - Annual Subscriptions
01/18/24 | 07/24/23 | Get 25% back on purchases, up to a total of $60 |
01/19/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Anne Fontaine
01/20/24 | 07/24/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back, up to 3 times (total of $90). |
Italic - Cashmere, Silk, Bedding
01/20/24 | 07/26/23 | Spend $19.99 or more on any annual storage plan, get 20% back. |
Google One - Cloud Storage and Backup
01/20/24 | 07/26/23 | Spend $19.99 or more on any annual storage plan, get 15% back. |
Google One - Cloud Storage and Backup
01/20/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
LoveShackFancy - Floral, feminine fashion & beauty for women
01/20/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
01/20/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
01/20/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $225 or more, get $45 back |
Clé De Peau Beauté
01/20/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $225 or more, get $75 back |
Ashes & Diamonds Winery
01/20/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Baccarat - Luxury Home
01/20/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
01/21/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back, up to 2 times (total of $200). |
Gardyn - Indoor Home Garden Kits
01/21/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
DXL Big + Tall
01/21/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Sunset Marquis Hotel
01/22/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
The Prisoner Wine Company
01/23/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $15 back |
Ariat International
01/23/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $49 or more, get $10 back |
01/23/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $200 or more, get 3,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Dr. Martens® - Online Only
01/24/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $50 back |
Simple Tire - Online Tire Sales and Installation
01/26/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $80 or more, get $20 back |
Brightland - Olive oil and vinegars
01/27/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $999 or more, get $150 back |
01/28/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
01/28/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $79 or more, get $25 back |
Nutrafol - Hair Wellness from Within
01/28/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $100 or more, get 2,000 Membership Rewards® points |
01/29/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $750 or more, get 15,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Jimmy Choo
01/29/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
Jimmy Choo
01/31/24 | 08/01/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
01/31/24 | 09/11/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
01/31/24 | 09/19/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
Tommy John
01/31/24 | 09/19/23 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $75 |
Lomi Waste Appliance + Accessories
01/31/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $4 or more, get $4 back, up to 3 times (total of $12). |
01/31/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
SAXX Underwear
01/31/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $400 or more, get $80 back, up to 2 times (total of $160). |
Porsche Design
01/31/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back, up to 3 times (total of $45). |
Wineaccess.com - Premium Curated Wines
01/31/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Boisset Collection of Wineries
01/31/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back, up to 2 times (total of $20). |
Oakville Grocery & Wine Merchant
01/31/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $65 or more, get $30 back, up to 3 times (total of $90). |
Fubo TV
01/31/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Rhone - Men's Activewear
01/31/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
GlassesUSA.com - Eyeglasses, Sunglasses and Contacts Lenses
01/31/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $125 or more, get 2,500 Membership Rewards® points, up to 2 times |
gorjana - Women's Jewelry
01/31/24 | 10/08/23 | Get 50% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
01/31/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $21 back |
B-21 Fine Wine & Spirits
01/31/24 | 10/18/23 | Get 3% back on select gas purchases, up to a total of $10 |
Sunoco’s Premium Grade Ultratech Fuel
01/31/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $11 back, up to 2 times (total of $22). |
Wisdom Panel - Pet DNA Test
01/31/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Knix - Intimates & Loungewear
01/31/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $11 back, up to 2 times (total of $22). |
Whistle - GPS + Pet Health Tracker
01/31/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $12 or more, get $12 back, up to 2 times (total of $24). |
Peloton App Membership - Workouts Streamed Live & On Demand
01/31/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $30 back |
01/31/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
johnnie-O.com – Men’s Apparel
01/31/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $149 or more, get $40 back |
01/31/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $4,000 or more, get $100 back, up to 3 times (total of $300). |
Earn on Advertising Purchases
01/31/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
01/31/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $98 or more, get $40 back |
Walmart+ Annual Membership
01/31/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $35 or more, get $18 back, up to 10 times (total of $180). |
Teleflora - Flowers arranged & delivered by local florists
01/31/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Roark - Adventure Clothing & Gear
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Lilly Pulitzer - Clothing, Jewelry, and Accessories
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 2,000 points |
TaxAct - Online Tax Preparation
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
Zenni - Affordable Prescription Eyewear
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Luxury Escapes
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $120 or more, get $120 back |
Constant Contact - All-in-One Digital Marketing Platform
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 13% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $1,100 or more, get $220 back |
Valentino - Luxury Fashion & Accessories
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 1,000 points |
Chipotle Mexican Grill
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $275 or more, get $75 back |
Citizen Watch
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
01/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/01/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
Bespoke Post - Themed Monthly Boxes
02/01/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
02/02/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
ZWILLING – Cutlery, Cookware, Electrics and More
02/02/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $80 back |
LUISAVIAROMA.com - Multi-Brand Luxury Fashion
02/02/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
DXL Big + Tall
02/03/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Calvin Klein
02/03/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $450 or more, get $135 back |
Darioush Winery
02/05/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $99 or more, get $50 back |
Tractive - Pet GPS & Wellness Trackers
02/05/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $49 or more, get $16 back, up to 3 times (total of $48). |
CNBC Investing Club With Jim Cramer
02/05/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $45 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
QuickBooks® Online
02/06/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Wine Country Gift Baskets
02/07/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 30% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
Rocket Lawyer - Online Legal Services
02/09/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $25 back |
Blue Apron
02/10/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
02/10/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $15 or more, get $3 back |
Spokeo - People Search
02/10/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $175 or more, get $30 back |
Andie Swim - Fashion Swimwear for Women
02/11/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $150 or more, get 5,000 Membership Rewards® points |
WSJ Wine From The Wall Street Journal
02/14/24 | 09/19/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Ted Baker London
02/14/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Ben Bridge Jeweler
02/14/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $450 or more, get $100 back |
Movado - Luxury Watches
02/14/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Oriental Trading Company
02/14/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
James Allen - Engagement & Fine Jewelry
02/14/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Paragon Sports
02/14/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Baccarat - Luxury Home
02/14/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $15 back |
02/15/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Persol - Luxury Italian Eyewear
02/15/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Aveda.com - Vegan Haircare
02/15/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
Hilton - Mexico, Caribbean, & Latin America
02/15/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $175 or more, get $35 back |
02/15/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
GQ Box
02/15/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
Allure Beauty Box
02/15/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Bob's Watches
02/15/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $175 or more, get $35 back |
02/15/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $11 or more, get $11 back, up to 3 times (total of $33). |
02/15/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Bob's Watches
02/15/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $350 or more, get $70 back |
02/15/24 | 01/17/24 | Get 30% back on purchases, up to a total of $60 |
TaxAct - Online Tax Preparation
02/15/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $10 or more, get $5 back |
Amazon Digital Downloads - Kindle E-Books & More
02/16/24 | 10/18/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Terranea Resort
02/16/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Tommy Hilfiger
02/16/24 | 01/22/24 | Spend $1,100 or more, get $220 back |
Valentino - Luxury Fashion & Accessories
02/18/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $130 or more, get $30 back |
LAKE Pajamas
02/18/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Chubbies - Men's Shorts and Swim Trunks
02/18/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Vestiaire Collective - Luxury Pre-Loved Fashion
02/18/24 | 01/22/24 | Get 20% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $8 |
02/19/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $90 or more, get $30 back |
Everlywell.com - Innovative At-Home Health Testing
02/20/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
02/22/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
02/22/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Hu Kitchen – Chocolate and Snacks
02/22/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $40 or more, get $10 back |
Chicago Steak Company
02/22/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $200 or more, get 3,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Dr. Martens® - Online Only
02/22/24 | 01/22/24 | Get 20% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $10 |
Green Chef
02/23/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $60 back |
Aura.com - Online Safety
02/25/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $25 back |
Quip - Oral Care
02/25/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Made In - Professional-Quality Cookware & Kitchenware
02/27/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
American Floor Mats
02/27/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
02/28/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Avocado Green Mattress
02/28/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
02/28/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
Melin - Performance Headwear
02/28/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $15 or more, get $10 back |
The Washington Post - Digital Subscriptions
02/28/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Karl Lagerfeld Paris
02/29/24 | 09/19/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back, up to 4 times (total of $160). |
02/29/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $195 or more, get $45 back |
Rosetta Stone
02/29/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back, up to 5 times (total of $25). |
Baked by Melissa - Bite Size Treats
02/29/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Robert Mondavi Winery
02/29/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
Ballard Designs - Home Furnishings
02/29/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $60 back |
02/29/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $350 or more, get $100 back |
Morgenthal Frederics + Robert Marc NYC - Luxury Eyewear
02/29/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $40 or more, get $20 back |
Bouqs Flower Subscription
02/29/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
Venchi Chocolate
02/29/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $600 or more, get $150 back |
Mackage - Luxury Outerwear
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $7.99 or more, get $4 back, up to 3 times (total of $12). |
Crunchyroll - Anime Streaming
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Caviar Russe
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $30 or more, get $15 back |
Winc Wines
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 12% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $30 back |
Gainful.com - Protein and Sport Nutrition
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 16% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $79 or more, get 10% back, up to a total of $100 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
Sally Beauty Supply
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
HODINKEE - Luxury Watches
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Crown & Caliber - Luxury Watches
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get +20 Marriott Bonvoy points per eligible dollar spent, up to 3,000 points |
Dior Beauty
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $2,000 or more, get $400 back |
Air Europa
02/29/24 | 01/17/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
02/29/24 | 01/22/24 | Get +20 Hilton Honors Bonus Points per eligible dollar spent, up to 3,000 Points |
Dior Beauty
03/01/24 | 09/11/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Lotte Hotel - Luxury in the heart of Seattle
03/01/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
03/01/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $175 or more, get $50 back |
03/01/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Zazzle - Shop cards, gifts, decor and more
03/02/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Cole Haan
03/04/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 30% back on a single purchase |
03/04/24 | 01/02/24 | Send $30+ to Venmo or PayPal users with your Amex Send® Account, get $10 back |
Send & Split: Venmo/PayPal
03/05/24 | 09/11/23 | Get +4 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent |
03/05/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $60 back |
The Knot - Customizable Wedding Stationery
03/05/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Vail Resorts - Select Locations
03/05/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back, up to 2 times (total of $50). |
Nom Nom - Real, Good Food for Dogs
03/06/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
Alex Mill - Classic Essentials
03/06/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
Fenty Beauty - Beauty and Skincare by Rihanna
03/06/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $600 or more, get $120 back |
03/07/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Natori - Lingerie and Clothing
03/07/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Reeds Jewelers
03/08/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
National Car Rental
03/09/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
03/10/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $99 or more, get $20 back |
MoMA Membership
03/11/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Lekker Home
03/13/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $50 back |
Woodland Direct - Outdoor Living Products
03/14/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $40 or more, get $15 back, up to 2 times (total of $30). |
Dropps - Powerful Cleaning Products
03/14/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $49 or more, get $20 back |
America's Test Kitchen - Annual Digital Membership
03/14/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $24 or more, get $12 back |
Cook's Illustrated Magazine - Print Subscription
03/15/24 | 09/19/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
Just Food For Dogs
03/15/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $525 or more, get $125 back, up to 3 times (total of $375). |
03/15/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Hilton - Las Vegas & Nevada locations
03/15/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
KOS - Protein & Supplements
03/15/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
FabFitFun.com - Beauty, Fitness, Lifestyle Subscription Box
03/15/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $125 or more, get 2,500 Membership Rewards® points, up to 2 times |
gorjana - Women's Jewelry
03/15/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
03/15/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $150 or more, get 3,000 Membership Rewards® points |
03/15/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
thredUP - Online Consignment and Thrift Store
03/17/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Armstrong Garden Centers
03/17/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Pike Nurseries
03/18/24 | 09/19/23 | Spend $60 or more, get $35 back, up to 2 times (total of $70). |
Home Chef
03/18/24 | 09/19/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $100 back |
inKind Pass Annual Subscription - 1000+ Restaurants
03/20/24 | 11/07/23 | Get 25% back on purchases, up to a total of $1,000 |
AudioGO - Run ads on radio, podcast & streaming music apps
03/21/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
03/21/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Solo Stove
03/21/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
03/22/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back, up to 2 times (total of $80). |
03/22/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 20% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $40 |
03/22/24 | 01/22/24 | Spend $14 or more, get $14 back, up to 2 times (total of $28). |
Magnifi - Investing with AI
03/23/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Staypineapple - Boutique Hotels
03/29/24 | 10/02/23 | Get 30% back on purchases, up to a total of $144 |
Dropbox Sign - Prepare, Send, Sign & Track eSignatures
03/30/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
SAXX Underwear
03/31/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $40 or more, get $15 back |
HISTORY Vault – Annual Streaming Subscription
03/31/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $4.99 or more, get $4.99 back, up to 3 times (total of $14.97). |
HISTORY Vault – HISTORY Channel Series & Documentaries
03/31/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Labcorp OnDemand - Purchase Your Own Lab Tests
03/31/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back, up to 3 times (total of $45). |
LAFCO New York - Home Fragrances & Body Care
03/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Public Storage
03/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $5 or more, get $5 back, up to 3 times (total of $15). |
03/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $55 or more, get $15 back, up to 4 times (total of $60). |
1800Flowers.com - Gourmet Food, Flowers & Gifts
03/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $20 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Pimsleur – Learn Language Online
03/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get 20,000 Membership Rewards® points |
03/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 20% back on purchases |
1800Flowers.com - Gourmet Food, Flowers & Gifts
03/31/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $40 or more, get $10 back |
Smashbox.com - Makeup and Primers
03/31/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $20 or more, get $10 back monthly, for up to 3 months |
03/31/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
Under Armour
03/31/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
Wild Alaskan Company - Wild-Caught Seafood
03/31/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Therabody – Wellness Solutions
03/31/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
LoveShackFancy - Floral, feminine fashion & beauty for women
03/31/24 | 01/17/24 | Get 15% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
03/31/24 | 01/22/24 | Spend $350 or more, get $90 back |
03/31/24 | 01/22/24 | Get 50% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 |
03/31/24 | 01/22/24 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $60 |
Marriott Bonvoy®
04/01/24 | 10/02/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back, up to 2 times (total of $50). |
04/02/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
1stDibs - Antique and Modern Furniture, Jewels, Fashion, Art
04/02/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
The Langham Hotels and Resorts
04/02/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Beverly Hills MD - Skincare Products & Supplements
04/02/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $45 back |
Dr. Marty Pets - Freeze-Dried Dog & Cat Food
04/02/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $45 back |
Gundry MD - Wellness & Supplements
04/02/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Clutter - Moving & Storage
04/03/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $65 back |
Ooni Pizza Ovens
04/03/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $175 or more, get $55 back |
Clé De Peau Beauté
04/05/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $65 or more, get $15 back |
Hint Water
04/05/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $30 or more, get $7 back |
Magic Spoon – High Protein Cereal
04/05/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $115 or more, get $25 back |
Coterie – Diapers & Wipes
04/06/24 | 10/08/23 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $100 back |
Brompton- The Foldable City Bike
04/08/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $400 or more, get $120 back |
B Cellars Vineyards & Winery
04/08/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $15 back, up to 2 times (total of $30). |
Little Spoon - Baby, Toddler + Kids Meals + Snacks Delivered
04/10/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $600 or more, get $120 back |
Riggs Washington DC
04/10/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $99 or more, get $20 back |
MoMA Membership
04/11/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Vuori - Performance Apparel
04/12/24 | 01/02/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $100 by using the link provided |
Expedia.com/amex (Prepaid Hotel Purchases)
04/13/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Charles Tyrwhitt - Men's Shirts
04/14/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $40 back |
Mizzen+Main - Performance Menswear
04/14/24 | 01/22/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
04/14/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $69.99 or more, get $50 back, up to 2 times (total of $100). |
04/15/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Mint House – Residential Hospitality
04/15/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $250 back |
Homes & Villas by Marriott Bonvoy®
04/15/24 | 01/22/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 2,000 points |
TaxAct - Online Tax Preparation
04/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 30% back on purchases, up to a total of $60 |
TaxAct - Online Tax Preparation
04/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $10 back |
04/16/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back, up to 3 times (total of $75). |
Jenny Craig
04/16/24 | 01/17/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 5,000 points |
SKIMS.com - Underwear, Shapewear and Loungewear
04/16/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
YSL Beauty
04/16/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $70 or more, get $30 back |
Hungryroot – Recipe & Grocery Service
04/16/24 | 01/22/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Duluth Trading Co.
04/17/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $100 back |
Thuma - Furniture, Mattresses & Bedding
04/18/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
TurboTax Live - Small Business Tax Preparation
04/18/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
TurboTax Live Assisted and Full Service Tax Preparation
04/18/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
TurboTax and TurboTax Live
04/19/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $500 or more, get 10,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Cruise America – RV Rentals
04/23/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
Sunday Citizen - Soft Bedding, Home, and More.
04/23/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $10 back |
04/25/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
04/26/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $1,000 |
Dell Technologies
04/30/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back, up to 10 times (total of $500). |
Wine Enthusiast - Wine Accessories & Gifts
04/30/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Ten Thousand - Men's Training Gear
04/30/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $500 or more, get $150 back |
ISLE Paddleboards
04/30/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Hyatt Hotels & Resorts - Canada
04/30/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
The Shade Store
04/30/24 | 01/22/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $500 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get +10 Membership Rewards® pts per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 pts |
On - Performance Footwear and Apparel
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Mugler Fragrances
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back, up to 2 times (total of $50). |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get +20 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 20,000 points |
UPS Online Shipping
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Prada Beauty
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Carnegie Deli
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Pureology.com - Professional Color Care
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 7% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
04/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
05/01/24 | 11/07/23 | Spend $150 or more, get 3,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Elysium Health
05/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 15% back on purchases, up to a total of $50 |
05/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Elysium Health
05/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $65 or more, get $40 back |
AT&T Wireless - New Customer Accounts
05/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $120 or more, get $25 back |
Molton Brown – Luxury Fragrance, Bath & Body
05/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $80 or more, get $25 back |
The Farmer's Dog
05/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Kérastase - Luxury Hair Care
05/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Shu Uemura Art of Hair - Luxury Hair Care
05/01/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $50 back |
Gainful.com - Protein and Sport Nutrition
05/01/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $30 |
Columbia Sportswear
05/02/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $55 back |
Trust & Will - Estate Planning
05/05/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $99 or more, get $50 back |
The Motley Fool - Subscription Purchase
05/06/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Made In - Cookware & Kitchenware
05/06/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $175 or more, get $55 back |
Frog's Leap Winery
05/07/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Credo Beauty - Over 100 beauty brands
05/08/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $540 or more, get $100 back |
Box.com – The Content Cloud
05/10/24 | 11/20/23 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $20 |
05/11/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $150 back |
Stein Eriksen Lodge Deer Valley
05/12/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
The Ned NoMad Hotel
05/12/24 | 01/22/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Brilliant Earth - Everyday Jewelry
05/12/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back |
Insomnia Cookies – Warm Cookies Delivered
05/12/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $450 or more, get $100 back |
05/13/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
05/13/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Charles Tyrwhitt - Men's Shirts
05/14/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $1,500 or more, get $300 back |
Viceroy Hotels & Resorts – Select US & Mexico Getaways
05/14/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Viceroy Hotels and Resorts – US City Stays
05/14/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $69.99 or more, get $50 back, up to 2 times (total of $100). |
05/14/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
NET-A-PORTER - Women's Designer Fashion
05/14/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
MR PORTER - Men's Designer Fashion
05/15/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
05/15/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back. Enroll by 4/15/2024. |
Omni Hotels & Resorts
05/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
05/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Calvin Klein
05/16/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
Mackenzie Limited - Prepared Gourmet Food
05/17/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back, up to 2 times (total of $30). |
UrbanStems.com - Flowers + Plants
05/17/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Valentino Beauty
05/18/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get 5,000 Membership Rewards® points |
05/18/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $350 or more, get $70 back |
05/18/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
05/18/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Chubbies - Men's Shorts and Swim Trunks
05/19/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $300 back |
De Beers
05/19/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Caymus Vineyards - WagnerFamilyofWine.com
05/19/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
The Laundress - Laundry & Fabric Care
05/19/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $75 back |
05/20/24 | 11/20/23 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Small Door Veterinary
05/20/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $75 back |
Ashes & Diamonds Winery
05/21/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Rebag - Luxury Bought & Sold
05/22/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
Lotte New York Palace - Luxury NYC Hotel
05/22/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
OliveandCocoa.com - Gift Baskets, Floral Arrangements & More
05/24/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $249 or more, get $50 back |
Morningstar Investor - Stock, Fund, & EFT Analysis & Ratings
05/24/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $249 or more, get $50 back |
Morningstar Investor - Stock, Fund, & ETF Analysis & Ratings
05/24/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $20 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Pimsleur – Learn Language Online
05/25/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $25 or more, get $10 back, up to 3 times (total of $30). |
Peets.com - Hand Roasted Coffee Delivered Nationwide
05/25/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $40 or more, get $15 back |
Front of the Pack - Dog Food and Supplements
05/26/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $20 back |
Hollywood Feed - Pet Food & Supplies
05/26/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $2,000 or more, get $250 back |
Luxury Escapes - Hotel & Resort Packages
05/27/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $1,200 or more, get $240 back |
Jabra Enhance - Hearing Aids and Remote Care
05/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
EstéeLauder.com - Makeup, Skincare + Fragrances
05/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $275 or more, get $75 back |
rag & bone
05/31/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $65 or more, get $30 back, up to 3 times (total of $90). |
Fresh Meal Plan – Ready In Minutes
05/31/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $30 back, up to 3 times (total of $90). |
Supergut - Prebiotic Shakes, Bars, & Fiber Mix
05/31/24 | 01/17/24 | Spend $8 or more, get $8 back |
Cinemark Movie Club
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back |
Travelpro.com - Durable Luggage, Bags & Travel Essentials
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
Costa Del Mar - Premium Polarized Sunglasses
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Persol.com - Luxury Italian Eyewear
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back, up to 2 times (total of $20). |
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Mandarin Oriental – Select Locations (US, Europe, & Asia)
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
Caesars Rewards Las Vegas Destinations
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $99 or more, get $30 back, up to 2 times (total of $60). |
Fulton Fish Market
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Tommy Hilfiger
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
A.L.C. - Designer Clothing & Accessories
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back, up to 3 times (total of $45). |
Spoonful of Comfort - Soup Delivery, Gifts & Care Packages
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $19.99 or more, get $10 back |
UPS My Choice® Premium – Customize Your Deliveries
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $50 back |
Mt. Veeder Winery
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $80 or more, get $20 back |
Vichy Laboratoires – Serums, Moisturizers, & Sunscreens
05/31/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
Parachute - Luxury Home Essentials
05/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $25 back |
05/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
05/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $25 back |
Blue Apron
05/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $35 or more, get $18 back, up to 10 times (total of $180). |
Teleflora - Flowers arranged & delivered by local florists
05/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $50 back |
Tory Burch
05/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 50,000 points |
05/31/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $125 by using the link provided |
Expedia.com/amex (Prepaid Hotel Purchases)
05/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
05/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
05/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
05/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
05/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
05/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
05/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
05/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
05/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
05/31/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $200 |
Go Rentals
06/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 20% back on purchases, up to a total of $40 |
Caraway – Ceramic Cookware
06/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
06/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Get +1 Membership Rewards® point per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 points |
06/01/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
Auberge Resorts Collection - US, Mexico, Costa Rica & Europe
06/01/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Remedy Place - Social Wellness Club
06/01/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
06/02/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
SeatGeek - Live Event Ticketing Platform
06/02/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
NEST New York - Candles, diffusers, fine fragrances & more
06/03/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $8 or more, get $6 back, up to 3 times (total of $18). |
06/03/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $80 or more, get $20 back |
AMC+ - Annual Streaming Subscription
06/03/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $35 back |
06/03/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back |
PureFormulas - Health & Wellness Products
06/03/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 10% back on a single purchase, up to a total of $50 by using link provided |
VividSeats.com/amex - Concerts, Sports & Theater Tickets
06/04/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $15 or more, get $5 back, up to 3 times (total of $15). |
McDonald's Mobile Order & Pay
06/05/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $600 or more, get $150 back |
Blue Nile - Engagement and Fine Jewelry
06/05/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $100 back |
alice+olivia - Women's Fashion
06/05/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $90 or more, get $20 back |
Warby Parker
06/06/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
06/06/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
06/07/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Arlo Smart Home Security Cameras and Doorbells
06/08/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $45 back |
06/08/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Drunk Elephant
06/08/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
NARS Cosmetics
06/08/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back |
Wine Country Gift Baskets
06/08/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $450 or more, get $90 back |
Reeds Jewelers
06/10/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $10 back, up to 2 times (total of $20). |
Save on your Cable & Internet Bill
06/10/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $50 back |
06/11/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Netgear - Wifi and Networking Products
06/12/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $15 or more, get $3 back |
Spokeo - People Search
06/15/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back, up to 3 times (total of $45). |
06/15/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $105 or more, get $20 back, up to 3 times (total of $60). |
06/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Chairish - Vintage & Contemporary Furnishings, Art & Jewelry
06/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $25 back |
IT Cosmetics
06/15/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
IHG® Hotels & Resorts - Mainstream Brands
06/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $40 or more, get $20 back |
Bouqs Flower Subscription
06/15/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $20 back |
06/16/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
MANSCAPED - Male Grooming
06/16/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $79 or more, get $15 back |
Levain Bakery
06/16/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back, up to 3 times (total of $60). |
Sitka Seafood Market - Wild Caught Seafood
06/16/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $12 back, up to 3 times (total of $36). |
Magnolia Bakery - Banana Pudding, Cupcakes & More
06/16/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $30 or more, get $6 back, up to 2 times (total of $12). |
06/16/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back |
Venchi Chocolate
06/16/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
06/16/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $500 or more, get 10,000 Membership Rewards® points |
06/18/24 | 01/02/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Hard Rock Hotel New York
06/18/24 | 01/22/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
06/18/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Daily Harvest
06/18/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
The Saguaro Palm Springs
06/18/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
The LINE Hotels
06/18/24 | 04/15/24 | Get +5 Membership Rewards® points per eligible dollar spent, up to 2,000 points |
TaxAct - Online Tax Preparation
06/18/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Duluth Trading Co.
06/19/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $200 back |
Bob's Watches
06/21/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $125 or more, get $25 back |
Sam Edelman - Women's Fashions
06/22/24 | 01/22/24 | Spend $2,000 or more, get $400 back |
maidenhome.com - Handcrafted Home Furnishings
06/22/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $350 or more, get $75 back |
Anne Fontaine
06/22/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $25 or more, get $5 back |
Allure Beauty Box
06/22/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $200 |
Samsung for Business
06/22/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $59 or more, get $10 back |
GQ Box
06/23/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
EstéeLauder.com - Makeup, Skincare + Fragrances
06/25/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
06/25/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $300 or more, get $60 back |
06/25/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $79 or more, get $25 back |
Nutrafol - Hair Growth Supplements
06/27/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $30 back |
Bandit Running - Performance Running Apparel and Accessories
06/27/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Allen Edmonds
06/28/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
LAB Series - Skincare & Grooming for Men
06/29/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Ariat International
06/29/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 45% back on purchases, up to a total of $1,100 |
FedEx Shipping
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $4,000 or more, get $1,000 back |
FedEx Freight
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $500 back |
FINN - Car Subscriptions
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $500 or more, get $100 back |
Preferred Hotels & Resorts - US & Select International
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get +1 Membership Rewards® point per eligible dollar spent, up to 10,000 points |
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $750 or more, get 15,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Versace - Luxury Clothing and Accessories
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $1,000 |
FedEx Shipping
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $20 back, up to 2 times (total of $40). |
Kansas City Steak Company
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $200 or more, get $40 back |
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $750 or more, get $150 back |
Versace - Luxury Clothing and Accessories
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $21 back |
B-21 Fine Wine & Spirits
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $1,000 |
FedEx Office
06/30/24 | 03/18/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
TooFaced.com - Makeup, Beauty & Cosmetics
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get +1 Membership Rewards® point per eligible dollar spent, up to 2,500 points |
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $15 back |
Aveda.com - Vegan Haircare
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $250 or more, get $50 back |
Grand Hyatt - Global
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $350 or more, get 6,000 Membership Rewards® points |
Stokke - Children's Furniture & Accessories
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
MANSCAPED - Male Grooming
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $10 or more, get $5 back |
Amazon Digital Downloads - Kindle E-Books & More
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $500 or more, get 10,000 Membership Rewards® points |
La Prairie Switzerland - Luxury Skincare
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $99 or more, get $20 back |
MoMA Membership
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $75 or more, get $25 back |
Kendra Scott
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $15 back, up to 4 times (total of $60). |
1800Flowers.com - Gourmet Food, Flowers & Gifts
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $18.99 or more, get $6 back |
MGM+ Streaming - 3 Month Subscription
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $25 back |
Quip - Oral Care
06/30/24 | 04/15/24 | Get 25% back on purchases |
1800Flowers.com - Gourmet Food, Flowers & Gifts
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $150 or more, get $40 back |
Hertz - Platinum Card® 40th
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Spend $50 or more, get $5 back |
Barnes & Noble Online
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
Sally Beauty Supply
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/08/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
Zappos - Shoes, Clothing & More
06/30/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $60 or more, get $15 back |
MACcosmetics.com - MAC - Makeup and Cosmetics
06/30/24 | 05/18/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/18/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 05/18/24 | Spend $1,000 or more, get $175 back |
Microsoft Store
06/30/24 | 05/18/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 7% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 10% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $50 back |
Gainful.com - Protein and Sport Nutrition
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Spend $100 or more, get $20 back |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 2% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 8% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 4% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 6% back on purchases, up to a total of $30 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 5% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
06/30/24 | 06/03/24 | Get 3% back on purchases, up to a total of $250 |
Note that offers older than 2021 are no longer shown.
The post Current Amex Offers appeared first on Frequent Miler. Frequent Miler may receive compensation from CHASE. American Express, Capital One, or other partners.